Articles by DWT Team

Next-gen heat pump could cut energy bills and carbon emissions

Congratulations to our Researchers Zhibin Yu, Andrew McKeown, Zahra Hajabdollahi Ouderji & Miryam Essadik, from the University of Glasgow who have developed a new type of heat pump, a flexible heat pump technology, which could help households save on their energy bills and contribute towards net-zero emissions goals. In a new paper published in the

Dr Anastasiia Kostrytsia and Dr Fabien Cholet have been awarded a College of Science and Engineering EPSRC studentship

Dr Anastasiia Kostrytsia and Dr Fabien Cholet have been awarded a College of Science and Engineering EPSRC studentship to recruit an undergraduate to work on the biofilters project for the summer 2022. Title: Optimisation of thermally enhanced granular activated carbon biofiltration for decentralised drinking water treatment. Supervisors: Dr Anastasiia Kostrytsia and Dr Fabien Cholet University of Glasgow:  College

Presentation to Scottish Water’s Independent Customer Group

Professor Bill Sloan and Dr Jill Robbie gave a presentation on the progress of the research in the Grant to Scottish Water’s Independent Customer Group on 26th May 2022. This Group has been set up to share and advance the needs and expectations of communities and Scottish Water’s customers. The Group provided useful feedback on

Workshop Series: Water and Value Workshop-Living Sustainably with Water: An Interdisciplinary Challenge, organised by Dr Jill Robbie and Prof Minty Donald

The University of Glasgow, funded by the Programme Grant, is hosting a series of Workshops which aim to bring together researchers from a diverse range of disciplines and relevant stakeholders to gain a greater understanding of the conceptualisation of water from a variety of perspectives. This will allow the co-production of a future interdisciplinary research

Decentralised Water Technologies Project RA-Day 29th April 2022

The decentralised water project research assistants have taken part in their first RA-day of the project on the 29th of April, taking place within the University of Glasgow. The purpose of these days is to encourage and promote cross discipline discussion, team building and some light-hearted fun. The day started with a general overview/quick summary of