Articles by DWT Team

Consultation responses by Dr Jill Robbie

Dr Jill Robbie has responded to two recent consultations which are relevant to the research ongoing in this EPSRC Programme Grant. The first consultation was a Review of the Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement in Scotland. The Statement was first published in 2017 and is reviewed every 5 years. The Statement is an important document which sets

EBNet Webinar: Using Big Data Approaches to Understand Microbial Communities

Congratulations to Dr Umer Ijaz for his invitation to give a lecture to prestigious BBSRC’s EBNet on 10th of February 2022, with Title: Understanding microbial communities through In-situ ‘omics data synthesis. Please visit the EBNet Webinar and registration information page for more details  

EPSRC Programme Grant on Off-grid Water Technologies Plenary Meeting, 28 January 2022

The second plenary meeting of the EPSRC Programme Grant on Off-grid Water Technologies was held on the 28th January 2022.  The event was held as a hybrid meeting, with some attending in-person at the University of Glasgow and others joining online via Zoom.   The format of the meeting included short presentations delivered by the academic

Congratulations to Siming You, and GU colleagues

Congratulations to Siming You, and GU colleagues Gubta, Miller and Sloan on their recently published paper on the economic and environmental assessment of the conversion of organic waste to biomethane.  The poster below is an abridged layman’s summary of the original research paper BITE Paper Summary