Articles by DWT Team

18th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion “Bridging waste to value through anaerobic digestion”

Dr Tania Gomez and Tymon Herzyk (PGR) presented their latest research findings at the IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, where Prof William Sloan also attended. The conference, supported by a worldwide group of specialists from the IWA, brings together a range of experts across the world on novel topics related to waste (solid/water) treatment using anaerobic

All Energy & Dcarbonise international conference

Dr Pritam Das recently attended All Energy & Dcarbonise international conference held at the SEC in Glasgow. As the UK’s largest low carbon and renewable energy event, it provided a valuable opportunity to meet with renewable energy professionals from around the world.

Invited talk: Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland Annual Forum

Dr Elizabeth Lawson was invited to give a talk at the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) Annual Environmental Health Forum, which was held at Queen Margret’s University, Musselburgh, Edinburgh. The theme for the forum was ‘Resilience; Professional, Local and National Perspectives’ and was attended by environmental health professionals from across Scotland as well

Decentralised Water Technologies Newsletter / Litir-naidheachd Theicneòlasan Uisge Di-mheadhanaichte

We are pleased to share with you our quarterly newsletter (Issue 8) from the EPSRC Decentralised Water Technologies Project.  To read the newsletter please click on the link in the box below. We do welcome your comments or questions, so please feel free to get in touch. Decentralised Water Technologies Newsletter – April 2024. Tha

Dr. Justin Sperling to serve on the program committee for Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics, Treatment and Environmental Applications at the 2025 SPIE Photonics West Conference

On 15 April, SPIE officially opened the call for abstracts for Photonics West 2025 with Dr. Justin Sperling listed as a conference program committee member. Dr. Sperling will work with conference chairs and other committee members to build the speaker program and schedule for the Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics, Treatment, and Environmental

Dr Lawson, presents at workshop on Renewable energy from anaerobic digestion in remote and off-grid applications, in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.

Dr Elizabeth Lawson recently travelled to Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, to attend an international workshop on Renewable energy from anaerobic digestion in remote and off-grid applications. The workshop was a Cold/High Anaerobic Digestion (CHAD) event that was sponsored by the NATO Science for Peace Program, and hosted by the living laboratory of the U.S. National Renewable