Category: Team news

Have you experienced water scarcity in rural Scotland?

On behalf of Dr Elizabeth Lawson and Dr Laura Major Tell us your stories of living with water scarcity! As part of this year’s International Water Resource Association’s Islands Water Congress, “Taps Aff!” will be running an event inspired by our project which aimed to voice experiences with water scarcity in rural Scotland. We are

Conference presentation at 19th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME19) titled ‘Developing Lotka Volterra based models to describe Bdellovibrio predation in a batch and chemostat experimental system’

ISME19 aimed to gather a diverse group of participants, including microbiologists, ecologists, and environmental scientists, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. As part of the theoretical and computational modelling session, Dr Ogundero gave a 15 minute presentation which aimed to discuss the development of a mathematical model of bdellovibrio predatory bacteria using a novel flow cytometry technique. This

International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition in Toronto, Canada

Dr. Pritam Das delivered an oral presentation at the International Water Association’s (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition held in Toronto, Canada. This year’s event gathered around 7,000 delegates, including key water professionals, stakeholders, and contacts from both the conventional water sector and beyond. The conference was a remarkable experience, filled with insightful conversations and

18th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion “Bridging waste to value through anaerobic digestion”

Dr Tania Gomez and Tymon Herzyk (PGR) presented their latest research findings at the IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, where Prof William Sloan also attended. The conference, supported by a worldwide group of specialists from the IWA, brings together a range of experts across the world on novel topics related to waste (solid/water) treatment using anaerobic

All Energy & Dcarbonise international conference

Dr Pritam Das recently attended All Energy & Dcarbonise international conference held at the SEC in Glasgow. As the UK’s largest low carbon and renewable energy event, it provided a valuable opportunity to meet with renewable energy professionals from around the world.

Invited talk: Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland Annual Forum

Dr Elizabeth Lawson was invited to give a talk at the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) Annual Environmental Health Forum, which was held at Queen Margret’s University, Musselburgh, Edinburgh. The theme for the forum was ‘Resilience; Professional, Local and National Perspectives’ and was attended by environmental health professionals from across Scotland as well