Congratulations to Siming You, and GU colleagues

Congratulations to Siming You, and GU colleagues Gubta, Miller and Sloan on their recently published paper on the economic and environmental assessment of the conversion of organic waste to biomethane.  The poster below is an abridged layman’s summary of the original research paper BITE Paper Summary

Visit to Scottish Water Horizons’ Water Development Centres

The EPSRC DWT Programme Grant team joined forces with the Hydro Nation Chair Team ( for tours of the Scottish Water Horizon Innovation Centres ( for wastewater and drinking water technologies. Over a 2-day period 24 academics and researchers were given in-depth explanations of these test facilities and discussed their merits with a number of

Dr Marta Vignola wins BBSRC EBnet grant for research on biofiltration

Dr Marta Vignola wins BBSRC EBnet grant for research on biofiltration.

Programme Grant start up meeting

Programme Grant start up meeting. 35 researchers and project partners attend the kick off meeting for the programme grant.

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